The Last Battle.
The 9th of Av 3830. A day of desolation. The cooling bodies, of those who were not already long...
Kabbalah Psychosis.
THE PSYCHIATRY OF LIFE The Kabbalistic Tree of life seems as much as anything else to be a...
Mind Control in the Rosicrucian Text: The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.
ALCHEMY AND YOU In the Rosicrucian foundational text which appeared in Germany at the start of the 17th century: The...
What is the Kabbalah?
Chapter from my book: Demons of Eleusis. WHAT IS KABBALAH? The Kabbalah is commonly referred to as a collection...
The Bloody Mill of International Banker Backed World Revolution in Mediaeval England
I always wondered about the Russian revolution and in what way could the interests of a people and nation...
Winston Churchill: the man who created Israel. From my new book.
New book now available on Amazon. Ebook and paperback now available. Chew has replaced a word to describe another word.......
A Powerful Sabbatean Freemasonic Swindler and Manipulator from the 18th Century Conducts a Blasphemous Satanic Ritual.
An extract from my latest book. ...
The Cult of the Sacred Feminine. More from my new-book, available now.
A great deal of misguided new-agers and practicing feminists believe in the cult of the sacred feminine. In recent times...
The Strange Ancient Mystical Tradition.
Something which doesn’t seem to get much attention in discussions of how the world is secretly controlled is the...
The Crata Repoa and Plato’s Haunted-House Funfair Adventure.
The Crata Repoa, written by Karl Fredderich Von Koppen and Johann Wilhelm Bernhard claims to detail the initiatory practices...
Unholy Blood and the Black Grail.
The idea of a ‘holy grail’ and a secret bloodline of Jesus is an idea which for a while, seemed...
Awakening The Once and Future King….
Truth against the World: Y Gwir Yn Erbyn Byd Engraved Welsh stone found in Caerleon. For many years the story...
Sacred Language Secret Language.
Sacred Language. Secret Language. There is more to language than meets the eye (or ear) and...
The hungry Gods want your blood!
The hidden rituals of old Gods. The city of the Edomites and Esau: The high place...