Psychic Powers and Schizophrenia, Barbara O Brien.



This theme of the schizophrenic seeming to be extra sensitive to emotions and people’s thoughts is something which is later revealed to even more interesting and thought-provoking degrees as it is suggested that the schizophrenic, through whatever new sub-conscious faculties are brought to light as a result of their illness, apparently develop the ability to read people’s deepest thoughts and motivations. Barbara states:

“Many psychiatrists had noted, among the patients who did talk, an odd ability to throw the doctor off balance by a feat which might have been called mind reading except that the psychiatrists described it as ‘the schizophrenics uncanny sensitivity to unverbalized and only partially conscious feelings in the psychiatrist.’”

Barbara’s belief is that some innate power of the unconscious mind which she calls ‘Something’ and which during the early phases of her recovery from schizophrenia this faculty performs astounding feats which defy reason and logic. One time the ‘something’ urges her to go to Las Vegas, she only has five dollars but the ‘something’ urges her to go to a specific roulette wheel and then that ‘something’ tells her which numbers to put her money on.

“As my money was running low, I decided that I would try to find a job whose chores were not too demanding. As I started out, Something urged me to walk in the opposite direction from the bus line, toward a large building a few blocks away. Something urged me so violently to enter the building that it would have been impossible, almost, not to have gone in. I went to the building’s personnel department and found the employment manager not at all surprised to see me. She had phoned an agency that morning for a receptionist. She hired me.”

According to Barbara, the ‘mind reading’ ability which some psychiatrists have apparently observed in schizophrenics is part of the Something of the unconscious mind.

 “Something can extend into the unconscious minds of others. Nevertheless, it was nice to know that other schizophrenics had demonstrated a similar talent. It made the business more normal, at least for us schizophrenics. Anyway, it wasn’t witchcraft.”

This is something for which I have long sought an explanation as during my travels around the world and continued attempts to recruit me into what, for convenience’ sake I will call ‘the Illuminati’ despite that name evoking an automatic response of derision. The people I had contact with were Freemasons, but to say they attempted to recruit me into the Freemasons seems to fall short of the truth, since these people were of an elite branch of Freemasons, it might therefore be more accurate to describe them as Illuminated Freemasonry, my personal conception of what these people are is something I would call ‘The Family’ since there seems to be a genetic component connecting all of these people and this is what has been generally referred to by such researchers as the great Fritz Springmeier as The Illuminati Bloodline.



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